Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pics of today!

There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse
~ Robert Smith Surtees

Walked out into the garage tonight and this little guy was chillin' out on the carpet.  Daddy tried to get him out with a wooden dowel but that wasn't working so I grabbed the broom and jointly we got him/it outside and pinned down until Mommy got the trash can and he/it slithered inside and we relocated him/it to a different part of the property.
We think it's a gopher snake. It's not a rattler or else it would be in our freezer by now.
No I'm not kidding!


  1. Such a pretty horsey pic!!
    Glad that the dude wasn't a rattler, however good eating it might've been ;)

  2. Nice snake . . . love the bands. Classy horsey pic too.
